Full Stack Development Course

Enrolled (600+)

Full-stack development refers to the practice of developing both the front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) of a web application. It involves working with various technologies and tools to create a fully functional and responsive web application.

Course Eligibility: – BE/B.Tech/BCA/MCA

Course Overview

Full stack development is the process of designing, creating, testing, and deploying a complete web application from start to finish. It involves working with various technologies and tools, including front-end web development, back-end web development, and database development

Course Benefits

The Full-Stack Development course equips learners with a versatile skill set, combining front-end and back-end expertise. Students gain proficiency in web technologies, frameworks, and database management, enhancing employability. Hands-on projects and real-world applications ensure practical experience, while career development components support successful entry into the dynamic field of web development

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Course Details

Course overview and objectives
Importance of Full Stack Development in the industry
Understanding the learning path and outcomes

  • Web Design & UI Development
  • Cascaded Style Sheet (CSS 3.0)
  • JavaScript(JS)
  • Bootstrap
  • J-Query
  • Ajax*
  • Software Introduction
  • Statements and Programming Syntax
  • Software Platforms & Versions
  • Software Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • System Architecture & Implementation
  • Data Types & Identifier
  • Concept of Oops
  • Classes & Objects
  • Loops & Conditional Statements
  • Functions / Methods
  • Arrays & Strings
  • Packages& Threading
  • Streams & Files
  • I/O Operation with Files System
  • File Handling & Exception Handling
  • Database Connectivity
  • Introduction to SQL
  • SQL Joins
  • SQL Aggregations
  • Sub queries and temp tables
  • SQL Data Cleanings
  • Window Functions
  • Types of SQL
  • Data Defining Language(DDL)
  • Data Manipulation Language(DML)
  • Data Control Language(DCL)
  • Transaction Control Language(DCL)
  •  Data Query Language(DQL)
  • Java (Hibernet/Spring Boot/Struct)
  • Python (Flask/Django)
  • PHP(Laravel/CodeIgniter/Magento/Joomla/Drupal)
  • DotNet(ASP .Net/ADO.Net)
  • Node JS(Express JS)
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