Frontend Web Design

Enrolled (850+)

A Frontend Web Design course focuses on creating visually appealing and interactive user interfaces for websites

Course Eligibility: – BE/B.Tech/BCA/MCA

Course Overview

The Frontend Web Design course covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals, responsive and accessible design, frontend frameworks, UX/UI principles, and project-based learning. Participants gain skills for creating modern, visually appealing websites.

Course Benefits

A Frontend Web Design course provides invaluable skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling participants to craft responsive, visually appealing websites. With a focus on user experience and industry best practices, graduates are equipped for frontend development roles, adept at creating modern, accessible, and high-performance web interfaces

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Course Details

Course overview and objectives
Importance Frontend Web Design in the industry
Understanding the learning path and outcomes

  • Introduction to Web Design
  • How the Website Works
  • Domain Names & DNS
  • Client and Server Scripting Language
  • Static Website v/s Dynamic Website
  • Difference between Web Designer & Web Developer
  • Web Standard and W3C Recommendations
  • Careers in Web Technologies
  • Introduction of Stock Photography
  • Types of Images and Image Editing Tools
  • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
  • File Types in Photoshop
  • Using Photoshop Tools
    • Move Tool
    • Marque Tools
    • Lasso Tools
    • Quick Selection / Magic Wind
    • Brush
    • Gradients
    • Patterns
    • Crop / Slicing Tool
  • Layers, Grouping and Smart Objects
  • Using Blend Options
  • Automation Tools
  • Actions and Filters
  • Creating Custom Effects
  • Design Banners
  • Animation Using Photoshop
  • Basic Website Layout
  • Design Complex Website Layout
  • Conversion of PSD to XHTML
  • Structure of HTML
  • Basic HTML Tags
  • Meta Tags
  • External Link Tags
  • Advanced HTML Tags
  • Difference between HTML & DHTML
  • DHTML Basic tags
  • Introduction to Doc Types
  • Creating Simple HTML Pages
  • Introduction to HTML5
  • HTML5 DocType
  • New Structured Tags
    • Section
    • Nav
    • Article
    • Aside
    • Header
    • Footer
  • New Form Tags
    • Search
    • Tel
    • Url
    • Email
    • Number and range
  • New Media Tags
    • Audio Tag
    • Video Tag
  • Introduction to CSS 3.0
  • Types of style sheets (Inline, Internal, External),
  • Types of CSS Selectors
  • Universal Selector
    • Type Selector
    • Class Selector
    • ID Selector
    • Child Selector
    • Descendant Selector
    • Attribute Selector
    • Query Selector
  • Complete CSS Properties
    • Background Properties
    • Box Model Properties
    • Border Properties
    • Positioning Properties
  • Converting Table layout to CSS,
  • Custom CSS Layout Design
  • Creating simple and dropdown menus
  • Creating Appealing forms using CSS


  • Client and Server side scripting
  • Introduction to Java Scripting
  • Types of Java Scripts Variables
  • Operators
  • Conditional Statements
  • JS Loops
  • JS Objects
  • JS Popup Boxes
  • JS Events
  • JS Array
  • Events and DOM
  • Common Javascript functions
  • Using Javascript in Dreamweaver
  • Java Script Validations
  • Implementing Menus, Galleries etc
  • Introduction to Ajax
  • Real time Ajax Examples
  • Client Requirements/Specifications
  • Creating a concept and layout
  • Choosing a Color Scheme
  • Choosing Stock Photography
  • Texture and Typography
  • Design a Professional Layout
  • Conversation of PSD to CSS
  • Implementing JavaScript
  • Web Hosting Basics
  • Types of Hosting Packages
  • Domain Registration
  • Changing Name Servers
  • Control Panel
  • Linux and Windows CP
  • Using FTP Client
  • Bootstrap Introduction
    • History
    • Advantage of Bootstrap
    • Setting up Environment
    • What is Modal First Strategy
    • Bootstrap First Application

  • Bootstrap Grid

    • What is Grid System
    • Container
    • Floating Container
    • Multiple Grids
    • Offset Column
    • Centering Content Horizontally
    • Reordering Columns
    • Images and Responsive Helpers
    • Look and Feel Customization
  • Bootstrap Basics

    • Bootstrap Typography
    • Bootstrap Tables
    • Lists
    • Forms
    • Validation States
    • Button
    • Bootstrap Helpers
    • Hiding content based on resolution
  • Bootstrap Components

    • Dropdown Menus
    • Button Toolbar and Groups
    • Button Dropdown
    • Input Group
    • Navigation Tabs and Pills
    • Navigation Bar
    • Breadcrumb
    • Pager
    • Labels
    • Alerts
    • Progress Bar
    • jQuery
    • Introduction
    • JavaScript
    • jQuery Introduction
    • The jQuery ready Function
    • jQuery Documentation
  • J-Query Overview
  • J Query Working principal
  • Additional jQuery Support
  • Using jQuery Core
    • $ vs $()
    • $( document ).ready()
    • Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries
    • Attributes
    • Selecting Elements
    • Working with Selections
    • Manipulating Elements
    • The jQuery Object
    • Traversing
    • CSS, Styling, & Dimensions
    • Data Methods
    • Utility Methods
    • Iterating over jQuery and non-jQuery Objects
    • Using jQuery’s .index() Function 
  • J- Query Events
    • jQuery Event Basics
    • Event Helpers
    • Introducing Events
    • Handling Events
    • Inside the Event Handling Function
    • Understanding Event Delegation
    • Triggering Event Handlers
    • History of jQuery Events
    • Introducing Custom Events
    • jQuery Event Extensions
  • J-Query Effects
    • Introduction to Effects
    • Custom Effects with .animate()
    • Queue & Dequeue Explained
    • The uses of jQuery .queue()
    • and .dequeue()
  • Key Concepts
  • J Query’s Ajax-Related Methods
  • Ajax and Forms
  • Working with JSONP
  • Ajax Events
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