Digital Marketing

Enrolled (950+)

Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels, platforms, and technologies to promote and advertise products, services, or brands. It encompasses a wide range of online marketing activities and strategies aimed at reaching and engaging target audiences through various digital mediums. Here are some key components of digital marketing:

Course Eligibility: – BE/B.Tech/BCA/MCA

Course Overview

Digital Marketing Course Overview: Learn SEO, content marketing, social media strategies, email marketing, PPC advertising, analytics, and more. Gain practical skills to drive online success and build a strong digital presence.

Course Benefits

Digital Marketing Course Benefits: Acquire essential skills to navigate the digital landscape effectively. Boost your career with expertise in SEO, content creation, social media, and analytics. Gain hands-on experience in crafting successful digital campaigns, driving traffic, and achieving business goals. Stay competitive in the ever-evolving field of online marketing.

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Course Details

Course overview and objectives
Importance of ML and AI in the industry
Understanding the learning path and outcomes

  • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Strategy & working Methodology
  • Digital Marketing Process & their limitation
  • Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing
  • Benefits of Digital Marketing
  • Increasing Visibility
  • Types of Visitors
  • Visitors Engagement
  • Types of Lead and Conversion
  • Visitor/Customer Retention
  • Inbound and Outbound Traffic
  • Basics of WWW & Web Concepts
  • Understanding Domain
  • Understanding Domain Extensions
  • Types of Domain Extensions
  • Types of Websites
  • About Web Server & Web Hosting
  • Difference Between Shared, VPS & Dedicated Server
  • Cloud Based, and Reseller Web Hosting
  • Basic of HTML
  • Use of PHP, CSS & JavaScript
  • Understanding WordPress Platform
  • Purchasing a domain and web hosting
  • Connecting domain & hosting
  • Use of FTP & File Zila
  • Fundamental of SEO
  • About SERP
  • Understanding Search Engines
  • How Search Engines Work
  • Keywords Concept
  • Types of Keywords
  • About Exact Match, Phrase Match & Broad Match Keyword?
  • Search Queries
  • Different Types of Search Queries
  • Difference between Keywords and Search Queries
  • Understand Keyword Planning Tools
  • Keyword Research Process
  • Google Search Operators
  • Web Traffic
  • Different Types of Website Traffic


  • Understanding Keywords
  • Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Keywords
  • Keyword Stuffing
  • Keyword Density
  • Keyword Proximity
  • Keyword Prominence
  • Page Naming (URL Structuring)
  • Importance of Meat Title and Description
  • How to Create Meta Title and Description
  • Heading Tags (H1, H2… H6)
  • Image Optimization
  • Content Optimization
  • Anchor Text
  • Difference Between Anchor Text and Anchor Tag
  • Page Speed Optimization
  • HTML Sitemap Creation
  • XML Sitemap & Its Importance
  • XML Sitemap Creation
  • Robots.txt
  • Meta Robots
  • Schema Integration
  • Adding Google Webmaster and Analytics Tool


  • Domain Authority
  • How to Increase Domain Authority
  • Page Authority
  • How to Increase Page Authority
  • Back Links
  • Different Types of Back Links
  • About Link Building
  • Types of Link Building
  • Link Building Strategies
  • Video Creation & Submission
  • Infograhics Creation & Submission
  • Podcast Submission
  • Blog and Articles Submission
  • Social Networking Sites
  • Profile Creations (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin)
  • Press Release Submission
  • Business Directory Listing
  • PPT & PDF Creation and Submissions


  • Basics of EMD & EMD Update
  • Google Humming Bird
  • Google Panda Algorithm
  • Google Penguin Algorithm


  • Keyword Research Tools (Keyword Planner & Others)
  • SERP Rank Checker Tools
  • Content Duplicity Checker Tools (Copy scape)
  • Competitor Analysis Tools
  • Social Media Post Scheduler Tools
  • Introduction to PPC Advertising
  • Overview of Microsoft AdCenter
  • Google Adwords Overview
  • Understanding Inorganic Search Results
  • Introduction to Google Adwords& PPC
  • AdWords Account Structure (Campaigns, AdGroups, Ads & Keywords)
  • Types of Advertising Campaigns
  • Search Advertising
  • Display Network Advertising
  • Ecommerce Advertising
  • Video Advertising
  • Difference between Search and Display Campaign


  • Adwords rank & ads
  • Quality Score
  • Why quality score is important
  • CTR
  • Why CTR is important
  • About CPA
  • About CPM
  • About CPC
  • Understanding Bids


  • Introduction to Search Network
  • Different Search Network Campaign Goals
  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website Traffic
  • Location Targeting Methods
  • Bid Strategy (Manual CPC, Enhanced CPC)
  • Budget Targeting & Fixing
  • Creating AdGroups
  • Understanding Keywords (Exact, Broad, Phrase & Synonyms)
  • Ad Creation


  • Display Network
  • Using Display Planner Tool
  • Different Display Network Campaign Goals
  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website Traffic
  • Product and Brand Consideration
  • Brand Awareness and Reach
  • Campaign Subtype Setting
  • Standard Display Campaign
  • Gmail Campaign
  • CPM Bid Strategy
  • Audiences Targeting
  • Remarketing
  • Intent
  • Affinity
  • Finding relevant websites for ads placement
  • Creating text ads
  • Creating & uploading banner ads


  • About Video Campaign
  • Different Video Campaign Goals Targeting
  • Product and Brand Consideration
  • Brand Awareness and Reach
  • Video Campaign Subtype Setting
  • Standard Consideration
  • Shopping
  • Standard Awareness
  • Different Bid Strategies
  • Maximum CPV
  • Maximum CPC
  • Audience Targeting
  • Keywords
  • Topics
  • Placements
  • Types of Video Ads Format
  • In-stream Video Ads
  • Video Discovery


  • About Conversion Tracking
  • Importance of Conversion Tracking
  • Setup Conversion Tracking
  • Adding Tracking Code in your Website
  • Checking Conversion Stats


  • About Remarketing
  • Remarketing Campaign Setting
  • Creating Remarketing List
  • Introduction of Google Analytics
  • Google Analytics Work Structure
  • Set Up Analytics Account
  • Adding Analytics Code to Website
  • Types of Visitors?
  • Difference between Page Views & Sessions
  • Different Types of Traffic
  • Goals and Conversion
  • Goal Setup
  • Types of Goals
  • Bounce Rates
  • Difference Between Exit and Entry Bounce rates
  • Basics of Funnels
  • Setup Filters and Segments
  • Integration of Adwords and Analytics account
  • Analytics Report Creation
  • Introduction to Google Search Console (Google Webmaster)
  • Use of Google Search Console
  • Verify Website with Google Webmaster
  • Use Structured Data
  • Rich Card and How to Use
  • Use of Data Highlighter
  • Check Internal Links Using Webmaster
  • Manual Action Report
  • Add Sitemap.xml in Google Webmaster
  • Check Website Crawl Error
  • Social Media Introduction?
  • Benefits of Social Media
  • Top Social Networking Sites
  • Facebook Business Profile Creation
  • Post & Content Creation for Facebook Post
  • Using # Tag
  • Increase Customer Engagement
  • Audiences Targeting
  • How to Create Twitter Profile
  • How to Use # Tag
  • Using # Tag
  • Google Plus Page Creation
  • Creating Post for Google Plus
  • Linkedin Profile Creation

•          Linkedin Post Creation

  • About Different Social Media Platforms
  • How Social Media Marketing is Different from Other Internet Marketing


  • Creating Facebook Page
  • Uploading Content
  • Increase Visitors
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Types of Facebook Advertising
  • Creating Facebook advertising campaign
  • Payment Module- CPC vs CPM vs CPA
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Facebook Advertising Tools


  • Introduction to LinkedIn
  • Creating Company Profile
  • Company Profile v/s Individual Profile
  • Understanding B2B & B2C Concept
  • LinkedIn Groups
  • LinkedIn Ads Creation


  • Introduction to Twitter
  • Twitter marketing tools
  • Twitter: TweetDeck, Klout, PeerIndex
  • Creating Twitter campaigns
  • Types of Ads
  • About Twitter Cards


  • Introduction to YouTube
  • Using YouTube for Business
  • Understanding Video Campaign
  • Benefits of Video marketing
  • Creating Video Campaign
  • Creating Video Adgroups
  • Targeting Options
  • Bidding Strategy
  • About Email Marketing
  • About Bulk Mailing
  • Challenges Faced in Sending Bulk Mails.
  • Email Marketing Types (Opt-in & Bulk Mailing)
  • Bulk Mailing technique
  • Use of Mailchimp
  • Creating a Broadcast Email
  • Setting up Auto Responders
  • Email Marketing Tools
  • Top Email Marketing Software and Their Uses
  • Introduction to Ecommerce
  • Top Ecommerce Websites in World
  • Ecommerce Scenario in India
  • Ecommerce Marketing Strategy
  • How to do SEO of an Ecommerce Website
  • Driving Traffic to Ecommerce Portal
  • Affiliate Marketing to Promote Your Ecommerce Business
  • Open an Ecommerce Store
  • Introduction to Content Marketing
  • Top Objectives of Content Marketing
  • Importance of Content
  • “Content is King” for SEO Scenario
  • Keyword Research for Content
  • Top Ways to Write Content
  • Optimizing Content for Search Engine
  • Content Promotion to Gain Traffic
  • Tricks to Use other’s Website Content
  • Content Syndication?
  • Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing Scenario in India
  • Money Making Tips from Affiliate Marketing
  • Earn from Affiliate Marketing Without any Investment
  • Use Amazon’s Affiliate Marketing
  • Introduction to Mobile Marketing
  • Fundamental of Mobile Marketing
  • About Mobile Website
  • Creating Mobile Websites Using WordPress
  • Using Tools to Create Mobile Website
  • Advertising on Mobile
  • Targeting Ads on Apps
  • Targeting Ads via Location
  • Targeting Ads on Search Engine
  • SMS Marketing
  • SEO for Mobile App Search
  • Introduction to Online Advertising
  • Types on Online Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • In Text Ads
  • In Image Ads
  • In Video Ads
  • In Page Ads
  • Payment Modules
  • Creating Banner Ads Using Tools
  • Introduction to Google Adsense
  • Google Adsense Criteria for Website
  • Using Google Adsense Account Interface
  • Placing Ads on Your Blog
  • Google Adwords Fundamentals
  • Search Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • Video Advertising
  • Shopping Advertising
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Google Analytics Certification
  • Digital Marketing skill evaluation
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