Advance IT Design & Development

Enrolled (400+)

An Advanced IT Design & Development course typically covers advanced concepts and technologies in information technology, software design, and development

Course Eligibility: – BE/B.Tech/BCA/MCA

Course Overview

The Advanced IT Design & Development course covers advanced programming languages, software architecture, database design, web and mobile development frameworks, cloud computing, security, AI, IoT, and project management, culminating in a capstone project for real-world application.

Course Benefits

Advanced IT Design & Development courses provide a comprehensive skill set, covering advanced programming, architecture, and cutting-edge technologies. Participants gain expertise in web and mobile development, cloud computing, AI, and IoT. The course fosters problem-solving, project management, and ethical considerations, preparing individuals for leadership roles and career advancement in the dynamic IT industry.

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Course Details

Course overview and objectives
Importance of Advance IT design & Development in the industry
Understanding the learning path and outcomes
introduction and course expectations

  • Introduction of C
  • Data Type & Operators
  • Conditional Statement
  • Looping & Branching
  • Arrays
  • Strings Operations
  • Pointers
  • Functions
  • Macros
  • Scope of Variables
  • Storage Classes
  • Structures & Union
  • File Handling
  • Error Handling
  • Memory Management
  • Beginning with C++
  • Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures
  • Concept of Arrays
  • Classes and Objects
  • Constructors and Destructors
  • Concept of OOPs
  • Inheritance
  • Overloading
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Exception Handling
  • Error Handling
  • Templates
  • Introduction to Python Language
  • Python Standard Libraries
  • Python Data types & Variables
  • Python Operators & Conditional Statement
  • Python Loops & Function
  • Python Numbers & Strings
  • Python Tuple & List
  • Python Dictionary & Sets
  • File Handling & Regular Expressions
  • Database Access with Python
  • Introduction to My SQL
  • SQL Joins
  • SQL Aggregations
  • Subqueries and temp tables
  • SQL Data Cleanings
  • Window Functions
  • Types of SQL
  • Data Defining Language(DDL)
  • Data Manipulation Language(DML)
  • Data Control Language(DCL)
  • Transaction Control Language(DCL)
  • Data Query Language(DQL)
  • Basics of Raspberry Pi /Arduino/Node MCU
  • Overview of Raspberry Pi (RPi) hardware platform
  • Fundamental of Rpi as an IoT gateway
  • Python Interface with Arduino using Serial Port
  • Socket applications for communicate to Arduino device using Ethernet, Wifi &bluetooth interfaces
  • Build IoT applications using HTTP and MQTT protocols
  • Node Red programming Tool
  • Rpi Peripherals & GPIOs Interfaces
  • Setup and Install Raspbian OS on Rpi
  • IoT Communication Models and Protocols
  • Request-Response, Publish-Subscribe, Push-Pull, Exclusive Pair
  • Application Protocols: HTTP, CoAP, MQTT, AMQP
  • Communication APIs: REST-based, Web Socket-based
  • Network Layer: IPv4, IPv6, 6LoWPAN
  • Develop a complete python based application IoT application
  • Interfacing with sensors and Field devices using GPIO pins
  • Web Interfacing & Communication
  • System configuration & Integration techniques
  • Fault finding & Debugging techniques
  • Introduction to Embedded Network & Structure
  • Network Classifications and Topologies
  • Basics of Switching and Routing
  • Gateway, Repeater, Hub, Bridge
  • OSI & TCP/IP Protocol Layers
  • Physical & Logical Addresses
  • ARP & RARP Networking and TCP/IP Applications
  • Internet Protocol & Transfer Control Protocol
  • Routing Protocol and IP Datagrams
  • Error and Control Messages (ICMP) UDP
  • TCP Networking Applications
  • Basics of BITS , Frame Packet, Wireshark Packets & Segments
  • Data Transfer from Web/Server
  • OT IT and Fog Networks
  • System configuration & Installation techniques
  • Fault finding & Troubleshooting techniques
  • Introduction to Introduction to Industry 4.0 / IOT
  • Principles of “Smart Factory”
  • Industry 4.0 strategy & implementation
  • IoT Platform & IoT Architecture
  • Industry 4.0 Environment( IoT, IIoT, IoS, IoP, IoE)
  • Impact of Industry 4.0 on our Services
  • IOT Platform Development
  • Basics of BITS , Frame Packet, Wireshark Packets & Segments
  • Basics of DNS, DHCP, SMTP, TFTP, FTP…Etc
  • Development of Industrial IoT (IIoT) tracking / monitoring devices- APIs
  • IoT based Programming & web applications
  • IoT Protocols: HTTP/TCP/IPV4/IPV6/ CoAP/ MQTT/ AMQP/ 6LoWPAN.
  • IOT Cloud Infrastructure
  • Data Transfer from Web/Server
  • Smart Devices and Products Interface/Communication
  • Performance and Security in IoT
  • Mobile Computing with Android App
  • Fault finding & Troubleshooting techniques
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